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Comprehensive maintenance

A building is a living space where time and use cause its deterioration. To take care of the facilities is to prolong their value and their social, professional or productive utility, whether it is a flat, villa, villa, industrial plant or office.

After more than 25 years of experience, at Cresmarta we know that the maintenance of these buildings means extending their useful life beyond their depreciation period, avoiding their deterioration and prolonging the value of the asset.

But it is our professionals – from engineers to installers – our planning methodology and the use of new technologies – such as computer-aided maintenance (GMAO) – that allows us to offer a quality and comprehensive service, covering the entire process with consulting and auditing services, project development, execution of renovation works and renovation of facilities and infrastructures.

Our services are ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, OSHAS 18001 and SA 8000 certified, and we are partners in the Association of Integral Maintenance and Energy Services Companies (AMIs).

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